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What blocks communication?

Updated: May 17

It’s been almost two years now since I was certified through The Life Coach School. And today I can finally say, OK, here I am, I’m ready to start my coaching business.

It felt like such an important achievement when I passed the exams and received a certification badge. It was a big milestone for me. But very soon I realized it was only the first stage, heck, one of many, far from the finish line. I found myself in an empty space, having all that valuable coaching knowledge and tools but no idea how to actually use them! How do I find people who need my coaching? And how do I ultimately get paid for it?

The answer was of course: marketing. I needed to start marketing myself.

So I started learning online marketing! Funnels, social media, ads, platforms… countless hours of courses, webinars, taking notes, listening to lessons and podcasts... and a lot of money spent. But despite all the strategies and marketing tools and theory I still wasn’t able to create a simple introductory website! Or write a FB post and tell what I do. How do I introduce myself? Who am I? How do I help? What’s my offer? I had no answers, no clarity around those questions, so I wasn’t even close to effectively using all of those marketing techniques I had learned.

I simply didn’t know what to write! I didn’t have a message crafted and even though I knew I needed to start creating content, I had no idea what the effective content should look like. That’s why I felt extremely uncertain and my fear of showing up was enormous. My communication was actually disabled, blocked, as if my tongue were tied. Later on I had this funny association that it was like I would have ordered the delivery service but my package wasn’t ready yet.

My issue was: I hadn't nailed down my messaging so I felt uncertain and didn’t know what to communicate!

That is why I pulled myself back for some time and kinda forgot all this marketing stuff for as long as I wasn’t confident about my core messages.

I figured out how to introduce myself, what’s my offer and crafted my messages. I allowed myself to build up this sense of integrity so that my business reflects who I really am. And, meanwhile working on my messages, I processed so many of my old limiting beliefs and this way resolved the challenge No.1, which is uncertainty. This is what ultimately allowed me to start communicating, creating content, making offers, and maintaining consistency. Getting out of my head was such a relief because I was already sick of tired of myself, spinning in circles over and over.

I still feel the discomfort when showing up, but it doesn’t stop me anymore.

Yes, it took some time. And it’s ok. Let’s go.

Now I’m using the same process of crafting the core messaging when working with new coaches. I help them build up their personal brand, define offer, and teach them communication that sells. And I guide them through uncertainty to the other side, to showing up with confidence.

I’m here to help you collapse the time needed to put yourself out there and start communicating and selling, so you can see results from your coaching business as soon as possible.

I’d love learn about your journey and explore how I can support you. Let’s talk!

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